Elephants and Amazing Thailand

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

This trip was amazing. I made friends from all over the country, got to experience a new culture, try new food, and work with Asian elephants hands on. The program leaders were all amazing and so supportive, making the trip a lot more fun.The first part of your trip you are at the elephant conservation center, you start your day by getting your elephants from the jungle and giving them a bath, and the end the day the same. You are able to do many activities that the mahouts (elephant caregiver) do on a daily basis. Being able to work with elephants, in their own environment, is something many people don't get the chance to experience. The second part of your trip you travel around Thailand, trying new food, seeing their beautiful temples, and getting the chance to walk through some of their markets. If you love animals, especially elephants, and want to experience a new culture by traveling around a new country, this trip is perfect for you.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed