My amazing rustic experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Well my rustic trip « the Mekong expedition » was actually my best experience abroad. I still have contacts with all my rustic group and consider them as true friends. To me, during the trip, the most important thing was that we grew up together. Indeed, we matured a lot and we learned much from Thai and Lao people we met, from our program leaders ( who were awesome by the way loved them !! ) but also from each of us. Moreover, I was really amazed to see the everyday cheerfulness of all the Thai and Lao people. It made me realize our fortune to live in developed countries as USA or France. I know it can appear as a paltry act but now I really try to be happy ( and SMILING :) ) and enjoy every moments of my life.
To you, future young rustic travelers, I have one advice : ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY ! If you are open minded, ready to discovering new people ( and culture !) and having fun as never before, the Rustic trips are made for you ;)

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