The Wroxton Experience

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My decision to study abroad at Wroxton College is by far the decision I have ever made. It allowed me to do, see, and learn so much more then I could even begin to imagine. It made me grow life long friends, allowed me to experience places I’ve never been, and introduced me to some of the best professors I’ve ever had. If I could do it all over, I would go back in an instant.
The academics are wonderful and the professors get you thinking outside your comfort zone. The tutorial style encourages you to have discussions with your professors and peers in more personal and in depth ways. Wroxton really helps you broaden your way of looking at life as well as teaches you about English history (whether that be through art, literature, the media, etc) and engulfs you in British culture.
Wroxton will forever be a part of my life and I will always look back on it fondly. Anyone, myself included, who has gone through this study abroad program would say the same—the Wroxton Experience is like nothing else, you have to go through it in order to understand its magic.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed