Travel to Thailand, It's Worth It!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

One of the most lifechanging experiences a person can have is traveling. Traveling has the ability to open your eyes to the diversity of the world. Traveling gives you the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and revel in the beauty of nature. Traveling allows you to meet new people and discover new ways of life. Traveling lets you explore and have adventures, and escape your ordinary day-to-day life.
My trip to Thailand with Rustic Pathways allowed me to do all of those things, and more. I feel as though I am a more well-rounded person having traveled with Rustic. I feel I am a more globally educated and connected citizen, and a more environmentally conscious human being. Not only that, but I had the time of my life and made new friends whom I still talk to every week, even several months later. There's more to tell, but it's best to discover it yourself by traveling, too!
Rustic Pathways has many different fantastic programs to fit all types of travelers. They do a fantastic job with risk management and safety, hire caring, intelligent staff, and give their students the best of the best experiences. I am so, SO glad I traveled with Rustic to Thailand, and hope to take more Rustic trips soon!

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Year Completed