Rustic Pathways Highlands and Island Trip to Fiji

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was an amazing trip! I got to experience the real culture of Fiji alongside many other like-minded teens in the highlands of Nausori Village. I stayed in a homestay for part of the trip, doing community service in the village during the day and hanging out with my village family at night. The last few days of the trip were in islands of Somo Somo where we got to relax and swim, while experiencing the island life of Fiji.

Rustic pathways has broadened my horizons and views of the world. By traveling to new locations with other teenagers I have made meaningful connections with not only my group but the community as well. I have learned the importance of giving back and that sometimes a friendly smile or wave can be worth more than money. When coming back to my everyday life after my two Rustic Pathways trips, I have learned to take everything in with a grain of salt, be grateful for everything and everyone in my life, and most importantly live in the moment!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed