Experiencing the Land of Smiles

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Beautiful experience and I love Thailand so much it's crazy how much I've done in the past 2 months. I was filled with so much joy and just living in the city was such a crazy adventure. At first, I was so nervous that I wasn't going to survive in Thailand because I thought that no one could speak a word of English. Honestly, it's true, not a lot of people could speak but you could see foreigners left and right and you'd be surprised by the number of people that know how to speak English in the malls and general stores. This made is so much easier for me to get to places and explore the city as I please. Although, if any of you plan on coming to Thailand, many roads are pretty sketchy so always go with a friend, don't go alone.

AIP was a great internship provider as well. They always kept in touch with me and always asked how I was doing at work. There were a couple of times that I found myself lost in something and the people at AIP would be more than happy to help as fast as they could. It felt really nice to be in touch with someone all the time.

On top of everything, I had to chance to visit the islands that I wanted to and my god, they were so beautiful. Some of the beaches were clean and some were dirty, but it was still worth the experience.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed