Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I used CIEE to apply with the English Program in Korea (EPIK) and received help and support through what could be a long stressful application process. I applied and passed my interview in 2018 but could not accept for personal reasons. When it was time to reapply the next year, CIEE made sure I had everything I needed, and supported through the TEFL and with additional documents. I really liked their style of giving the TEFL, it was multi faceted and interesting. The orientation in Seoul was also very fun and helped me meet a lot of great people . Overall, though it was a financially a lot, It was worth having the extra security and options at hand. It really was a easy process all the way till the end. I love being in Korea and enjoy the benefits and opportunities that EPIK and CIEE gave me!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed