Highly Recommend if You Want to Teach Abroad and Don't Know Where to Start

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I knew that I wanted to teach in S. Korea, but I wasn't sure what steps I needed to take, what forms to fill out, how to get a TEFL, how to find a school, ... (the list goes on and on). CIEE was there every step of the way, answering my questions and helping me achieve my goal. There were times while I was taking the TEFL course where it felt like I was wasting my time, and I didn't think that teaching would be for me. But thankfully, I decided to stick it through thanks to the open communication of multiple CIEE staff members and their friendliness. The day before my flight from the U.S. to S. Korea, my visa was lost in the mail. I had to track it down, frantically calling every post office I could think of. At one point, there were 2 CIEE staff members who were spending their Friday morning helping me call around, dedicated to making sure that I got on that plane the next day. We found the visa, they called me to answer any final questions I had (and to calm me down), and sure enough, here I am writing this review in my apartment in Korea! Everyone has been great, and the program made this entire process MUCH easier. It also was nice knowing that I was never alone, and there was a group of people on my team, working behind the scenes every step of the way.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed