Best experience, you learn and grow

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteer Programs Bali has been an amazing experience. It has taught me more than I could have ever taught my kids. I used to be a girl that got everything solved for her. This experience has helped me a lot to appreciate everything I have, and it made me realize how easy it is to achieve genuine happiness. The kids you teach to are super grateful and eager to learn new things. They give you so much love and motivate you to be better everyday. The program consists in after school hours where you teach 2 classes for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Every sunday the programs receives new volunteers, but the group is always between 20 and 30. I loved that it is such a small group because you get to bond with a lot of people. I’m grateful for all the amazing persons I’ve met, and I can honestly say you leave the program with so many new friends. It’s incredible to talk with people from all over the world, and learn from all their cultures and traditions. I loved to stay in a homestay with a local Balinese family and get the opportunity to see how they live on a day to day basis. You get to live the experience of going to Bali to the fullest. The family is always there to help you if you need a ride or to book a trip, and they are super kind. They make you feel like you are home. I had never taught in my entire life and coming here taught me that teaching can be super fun. I loved that they gave me a list of the topics and how advanced they are because you know where to start teaching and you get ideas about exercises and fun games you can do with them. I came here the 3 months that the program has and I wouldn’t have stayed less. The people I got to meet through so much time, the things I learned, the bonding I made with my kids, everything was incredible. It has been the best experience I’ve lived. Kimberley, the founder, is an incredible person who knows all the kids personally, you can ask for help with topics and she’ll always be there to help. There are also a lot of fun activities that we sometimes do to relax and forget, and they are also really fun. I love that the week someone is leaving they do a farewell in school, it makes you feel special and it’s a last day to enjoy the dances and do a proper goodbye. The cultural exchanges also help you learn something about the balinese culture. I loved that I got to live here and get to know what locals do and eat. I’m forever grateful for this experience, for all the love I gave and received. For every lesson learned, it was my first time traveling alone and I wanted to learn, this helped me a lot. The thought of leaving makes me so sad but at the same time it makes me realize how happy I was this whole time that it’s going to make it such a hard goodbye. Like every good thing, this must come to an end. I would definitely recommend this experience if you have the opportunity to come, and the more time you come, the better! I love everyone here and I will miss the people a lot. Thank you VP, Bali. Hope I get the chance to see you again. ❤️

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed