Teaching in Korea

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I have been teaching in Korea for about 1 year so far. It has been a unique experience. I work at a Private School which holds a lot of different aspects compared to Public Schools. CIEE was very helpful through all of the application and TEFL process, which helped ease the pressure of teaching abroad.

Working at a private school has been a great experience. I've come to learn about the differences of the Korean education system. I've heard of horror stories when it comes to working at private schools, but CIEE was able to help me find one that was the right fit for me. So far, I've been having a great time and am grateful to be working in a great environment and community. Overall I would recommend this program to others, because it's a great way to have a support system in a foreign country.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would