A memorable experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had so much fun on the japan trip. Not only did I enjoyed the food and beautiful views, I also learned about Japanese culture. It was an amazing experience, and I’m so glad I chose to travel with TFT. I loved the local food and my favorite the part was taking pictures in yukata! Other than the yukata, I also learned how to make sushi. We experienced karaoke night which was so fun! Tokyo Disney sea was an unforgettable adventure for me because there’s no other Disney park like this. I loved the day we visited a Japanese high school, that was amazing we got to talk to local Japanese high school students. They were super nice, friendly and welcoming. I enjoyed every moment in japan, my favorite place was Harajuku, the fashion styles you find there are just absolutely so unique and amazing!

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Year Completed