EPIK Teacher in Middle School

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I'll be the first to say I got really lucky. My school staff was super welcoming and quick to include me and share Korean traditions with me. My students are so sweet, many of them are artists and would draw super cute doodles of me as gifts. They often saw me out in public and would say hello to me and they loved to ask me questions about what I was doing with my time in Korea. The downside is that I didn't have too much freedom with my curriculum but I made do and I worked around it and through it the best ways I could. Some other teachers who also joined EPIK were not so lucky in their area staffs at their school were not so welcoming or accommodating, in this case it really is luck of the draw. I personally have had a great experience both with EPIK and doing my TEFL through CIEE. I had great support and learned a lot over the course of my experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed