My experience in Bali

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Coming to Bali was the best decision that I could have ever taken, but joining the program made it even better. Bali is an amazing place to visit with so many beautiful places and temples but in my experience what makes it prettier is the people you get to meet, all the locals are very nice and kind and it’s interesting to be surrounded by internationals because you learn a lot about different cultures.
The kids at school have so much potential and are eager to learn which motivates you to teach them more and more things every day. I’m very proud of myself and the kids because we both learned a lot, they leveled up their English and I learned a lot of things, like the real meaning of happiness. Everyone at the program is very nice and will always be there if you need help.
These 3 months have been the best of my life and the time I spent here was perfect because I got to know a lot of places and ended up with brothers and sisters that I didn’t know.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed