2 years at my school!

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I loved the peace of mind that using ciee to find my school gave me. I’ve never had a problem with my school but I knew that if I did someone would be there to help. When I decided to come to Korea I had heard a lot of scary stories about sketchy hagwons and was really worried I would fall into a bad one. After I heard about my school and community from someone who clearly cared about my happiness (and had personally lived in the area) I felt much more reassured about moving to a country where I didn’t know anyone or anything. My school turned out to be a perfect fit; largely because my recruiters listened to what I wanted and asked and answered all the right questions in order to get me where I wanted to be. In fact, I’m about to start my third year at the same school, I just can’t tear myself away!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed