Time with a Village Bank with Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

After raising money thru a GoFundMe account to fund the start of a New Village Bank in Fort Portal, Uganda I was able to share my experience as a business adviser, via the teaching of personal finance classes (curriculum was provided to me by ASTCF) to 12 women in the Village so that they could become certified to participate in the bank and micro lending opportunity.

The opportunity to live in the village and connect on a personal level during class time, with these women was very fulfilling. The opportunity to stay in touch and be updated with the results of the lending and savings program gives me great feelings to stay involved going forward and to visit Fort Portal in the future.

I highly recommend any of the various service opportunities that ASTCF offers, as James and Joyce are nothing less than professional and genuine.

I am thankful for my time in service to the Village and to my continuing contact with all in the NGO and the village.

Roy F. Glassberg

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Year Completed