A must for your first time teaching abroad

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Travel and Teach was very helpful and supportive through the entire process of applying for and obtaining a teaching job in South Korea. They provide a very high level of support at every level and give additional documents that can help you both before you leave your country as well as once you arrive in South Korea. It can be a long and confusing process, but with Travel and Teach they break everything down into easily managed steps so that you never feel overwhelmed. They will also do their best to help you end up in the area of South Korea that you want to be. Whether you want a large city with millions of people or somewhere much smaller they can help you. They also work with very reputable schools that wouldn't do the things that you've read about on some of the horror stories of teaching abroad listings. My school has been nothing but helpful to me in getting settled and anything that I've needed since. If you're thinking of teaching in South Korea I would definitely recommend using Travel and Teach to help you find the best place for you!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed