240-hr Expert TEFL Course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

I have been an ESL teacher for twenty years, now. I taught in bilingual schools in Kuwait and in American schools. I had already taken a 120-hr (free) TEFL course online. However, I was left feeling I hadn't really learned or achieved very much from it. So, I decided to try the 240-hr Expert TEFL course with Premier TEFL. I was excited by how in-depth and informative this course really is. Not only has the course refreshed my memory of activities, etc. but also introduced new ideas and concepts. I feel I have really gotten my money's worth with this course. Sandra has been extremely helpful, quickly answering all my emails. Premier provides useful tips with job searches, internships, etc. They have many short videos through the course that give you more information about teaching abroad. You never feel alone with Premier TEFL. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone and everyone who want to teach abroad.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed