One World Center’ Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The first 6 months from this experience have gone traveling, between discussions about important themes about worldwide, learning about building, preparing ourselves for the projects we envisioning in Africa, learning how to cook and other daily practices. Close to our date of departure to Malawi, we start to mostly focus on what we will be working within our service period and to get knowledge about the projects in which volunteers have been done and to plan for which is coming.
To land in Malawi was to struggle with new transformations because everything was completely new and different, to feel the needs to be part of the social process makes me stay motived to wants to do the tasks every moment better; every moment make me feel so proud of me to see how the projects we’re working and running and get the community involved.
Little by little, the projects proposed and accepted by the communities began to take shape over time, which led us not only to see how the results were obtained but also how the communities were transforming their environment at the same time. Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet volunteers from other countries.
The six months in Malawi not only constituted the best experience of my life for everything done personally and professionally, but it was also an experience that took my mentality beyond logic to come up with solutions that with the passage of time, the acquisition of knowledge and constant interaction with people, were meeting increasingly better expectations. Having the chance to live and coexist in these spaces led me to understand a little better the great world we occupy and how we can be so equal and different at the same time as a human being that lives on the planet, so urgent of those who appreciate helping the other.
We were eager to tell the world what we did in Africa, thus we organized another trip with the aim of promoting more actions and inspiring society, we also participated in the march for climate change in New York City, a call made by Greta Thunberg. As personal strategies, make a photographic exhibition in the town's library “African faces and Smiles” and carry out talks and promotional meetings about my experience, the program, and the school in Barrancabermeja, Colombia.

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Year Completed