Excellent customer service

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

Unfortunately our trip was cancelled due to the Pandemic but other than a slight hiccup during booking the customer service from The Dragon Trip was amazing. We were contacted in advance of our trip to be told it had been cancelled and offered a 110% voucher to book another date. Due to our circumstances we needed a full refund. Replies to our emails were quick and polite. We were told we would have the refund by 31st July which we accepted at the time, a couple of months later we checked back to see if there was an improvement on this date and offered a payment plan with money arriving in my account immediately. Less than a week later an email came through saying the full remaining balance had been paid into my account. Alex who was emailed myself also offered advice with regards to other travel companies who we are struggling to get replies and refunds from. I highlight recommend this company for their customer service and look forward to booking and travelling with them in the future.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed