A Truly Amazing Experience Like No Other

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I completed the short-term conservation internship program on the beautiful Curieuse Island in Seychelles from September to December 2019. The experience truly exceeded my expectations. I don't even know where to begin. The staff, rangers, and volunteers on Curieuse were all wonderful and friends that I'm still in touch with 6 months after returning home and expect to be for a very long time. The accommodations may not be the most glamourous but you are steps away from the ocean and always have the sound of waves to fall asleep to (also how many people do you know can say they've lived in ruins from an old leper colony?! Pretty cool!). As an intern, I had the opportunity to conduct my own research project which was one of my highlights (you don't need to know what you want to research before you apply for the program). Also, as an intern, you become certified in Leadership and Management (ILM) and get to lead volunteers on surveys, which was a fun way to introduce new volunteers to the amazing work GVI does and what Curieuse has to offer. While I was there I got to experience the peak season for sea turtle nesting and shark pups. I never felt unsafe (even though I was standing in water with sharks and stingrays) and the staff makes sure you are well prepared before being put into any situation. Although, the days can be long and definitely physically demanding (you will get very in shape and the hikes will feel easier every time you do one) the work is rewarding and you have the weekends to relax and leave the Island or stay and explore Curieuse!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed