SeoulESL is very helpful. Ms. Chloe Park is very professional and always there.

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

SeoulESL has so many offerings and Ms. Chloe Park was the staff member that was guiding me. We were able to look through many possible options for teaching in and around the Seoul Metro area and Ms. Park was always very prompt, professional, and thorough in her replies and responses and always found time to discuss even minor details and questions I had about different aspects of teaching in Korea -- I had plenty of questions! I really highly rate SeoulESL and especially the staff member, Ms. Park. SeoulESL has so many connections in South Korea overall and I was looking especially in Seoul and the Seoul Metro area and found multiple possibilities. I opted for a school a bit outside of Seoul (still in the Seoul Metro area) due to a variety of factors. Thanks, SeoulESL! Highly recommended recruiting service.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed