My Experience With CAPA

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had an amazing experience with CAPA. Before the program started, I had never left the country, so CAPA helped make the transition from the US to London go smoothly. The staff were always friendly and were able to connect with the students. While abroad, CAPA was able to help me get connected with an internship, where I learned a lot and felt like I grew as a person. Also, as a student with a learning disability, CAPA was able to give me accommodations to help me thrive during my time in London and helped me be successful in the classroom. There were also many fun excursions that the program provided that helped me learn more about the UK. For example, we were able to visit the Stonehenge and Oxford, among others. All in all, CAPA helped me feel confident in living, not only a new city, but a new country, where I have made many good memories.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed