High Desert Center

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The High Desert Center has been one of the greatest surprises of my life. I went into it knowing very little but came out feeling good about community, life skills, and myself. Here I was able to push myself and challenge myself day to day, I also found that my sense of community pushed me in many areas as well. Coming here I was able to make friends with people from around the US and create deep meaningful connections with them in just a matter of a few weeks. I lived in an environment of constant support and love that I'd struggle to find in other areas of my life. The number one take away has been how much I learned about who I am And what I was capable of, the people of HDC improved my confidence and I learned more about life skills and independence.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed