Neutral review

Content: 3
Engagement: 3
Support: 3
Platform: 3
Value: 3

This company and program is 100% legit with efficient advisors, teachers, workers, etc. I should have done deeper research before signing up for this program because the course I took can be provided by other companies at a reduced cost. The course I took was the 11 week online TEFL course, and it cost a total of $1,099 after discount. Being fully honest, I was quite disappointed with the quality content of the course based on how much I paid. I was required to read textbooks 85% of the time, 5% videos, and the rest being class discussions. One thing about this company that stands out from others is that they help you find a job after completing your course. I am not too sure how helpful they are when it comes to job searching, but I have read both positive and negative reviews on this. If you are considering to sign up for this program, do your research first and know what you are signing up for. My review on International TEFL Academy is neutral.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed