Loved the Whole Experience

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

I’ll start off by saying that no amount of hours in any teaching course will fully prepare you for the first time you step in front of a class. It takes a long time to find your comfort zone when teaching english.
That being said, the TEFL Worldwide program in Prague is really a great program if you’re interested in teaching abroad. What I mentioned above was told to us by many of our instructors; each of them were very in tune with the realities of teaching, each seasoned veterans that really prepared us for what to expect when we began teaching. Whether you have prior teaching skills or you’re new to the game, you’ll walk away from this course feeling much more confident and better equipped to start teaching.
Each of the modules were very in-depth, and I won’t lie: It’s a lot of work. Obviously the first thing you’ll want to do when you get to Prague is explore the city. And explore it you must. Whether you’re planning to stay or just stopping through for the month, it truly is a magical place that sucks you in immediately. But, you’ll find a lot of your free time chewed up by work for the course. It’s not hard by any means, but more so time-consuming.
The best part of the course was the practical experience you gain throughout it. You teach actual Czech students 6 times over the course of the 4 weeks. It’s very nerve-wracking, but the instructors each give great feedback that allows you yourself to slowly start to notice improvements in each successive lesson. Not only that, these practice lessons give you a good glimpse into what it’s like to teach specifically Czech people.
What really makes the course as a whole are those you go through it with. Your class makeup will really define the overall vibe of the day-day activities. The instructors provide a great work and learning environment that favors genuine friendships with your fellow Teflers. I was lucky, our class became really close over the course of the month and we’re all still good friends. It’s sort of a “shared struggle” bond that you develop together.
Enroll in TEFL Worldwide if you want to travel abroad and teach. And if you’re thinking about doing the course for the month in Prague and then moving somewhere else with your degree (which is totally possible, the degree is internationally recognized), I wish you good luck in trying to leave Prague. Once you’re here you will fall in love with this place.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed