Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Coming to the MYX I had no idea what God had for me in this city. I didn't have any clarity on His purpose for me being here. All I knew was He gave me supernatural peace to come. Coming to Miami, I knew I was coming to a place where I would stand out because of my faith, as it is not a faith-based program. But it has been the most enriching experience, because of that very thing. I have been able to actually put my faith into practice, in a place that isn't a Christian-school bubble. I have been exposed to my weaknesses in such a way that has strengthened me and grown me as an individual exponentially.

I leave the MYX with a deeper love for those who are different from me, culturally, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. I also gained respect and love for myself, by God's love for me, so that I can love others as He loves them. I also leave with an immensely expanded cultural understanding of Latin culture. Finally, I leave with connections and friendships with individuals that I will cherish for a lifetime, both in Miami, and the MYX.

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