Excellent TEFL trainer and experience!

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

I am very happy that I chose to complete the 4 week 150 hour TEFL course at Maximo Nivel in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. I found the trainer Jackie Bira to be excellent in delivering the course content. She is knowledgeable, passionate and well experienced and went the extra mile to ensure that students completed the certification whilst gaining the relevant, hands on skills to be able to teach ESL after completion. She was available to help around the clock and maintained student interest throughout. The course itself is intensive but extremely worthwhile. A good level of face to face teaching experience, online teaching and constructive feedback throughout meant that after completion, I felt equipped to teach ESL.
Although the course comes with a good level of time commitment and workload, I found time to enjoy the beaches, and visit local attractions such as Nauyacha waterfall as well as learning to surf with some 3.5 day weekends. It was also a great bonding experience with fellow TEFL students and I have gained some long term friends.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone aspiring to gain the TEFL qualification and I fully intend to utilise my newly gained skills in the near future.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed