Why wouldn’t you take advantage?

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

As a current EPIK teacher I am happy to report that I am having an amazing experience so far and can only see it getting better. I am thankful to have supportive schools and co-teachers that were as happy and excited to meet me as I was them. Similarly, the area that I’m located in has tons of convenient and foreigner friendly facilities close by. Best of all, throughout my entire process to come here and even now I have been supported by KH. The interview process especially was nerve wracking but the support you get is honestly crucial. When it comes to procuring and sending off important documents I can honestly say that your best shot is to have someone on your team that keep you on track and 100% informed. I couldn’t recommend it more!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would