Youth Development and Social Work in Knysna, South Africa

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

An excellent learning experience for young and older adults alike. This was an impressive programme, working with children and young people who were not in school and who were therefore at risk within their communities. What was especially impressive was the programme’s “whole child” focus, looking not just at the child/ young person’s particular individual needs but taking account of their family and community context and working collectively to achieve progress. In spite of often limited financial resources, the programme staff had developed a significant range of skills and personal resources to support the children/young people. Their commitment was very evident and was much valued by the children/young people.
In the end, it was lovely to be reminded that all across the world and irrespective of the huge variation in the challenges they face, children/ young people are very much the same. They all have dreams and aspirations, they all recognise the importance of their families and communities, even where these may sometimes present risk. With the right support, even the most isolated and excluded children/young people can recover, can thrive and they all deserve the very best efforts of those adults who can provide them with that support.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed