Beja October 2021 Program

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 4

Please read the blog that I wrote about my time volunteering in Beja, Portugal! I plan to do this program again sometime in the future! It was a well run program and the leader, Joe Testa, was fabulous. The community loves it when there are Global Volunteers in town and you really feel that they appreciate our work in the schools. We were very warmly welcomed. Living in Beja for 2 weeks was a joy. Rich history, great food, and very walkable city. Beja is close to Evora and other towns in the Alentejo region of Portugal. I would definitely recommend this program to 1st time volunteers as well. It was my first time doing a Global Volunteers trip.

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Yes, I would
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