Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Every single day while on this trip was different but always full of learning, fun, and new experiences. There was never a dull moment or a time where there was nothing to do. I could talk forever about all the amazing experiences and all the memories that were made on this trip.

Waking up and going to volunteering was one of my favorite parts of the trip. The construction work was always so much fun and a great way to bond with the other volunteers and our local guides. After working hard, we would play games together and joke around and talk to each other. The construction guides Smile, Big Head, and Fani always made sure we were having a good time and working hard. They were super encouraging and came up with many great games to play. Teaching was also a favorite part of my days. The amazing students I taught always radiated with energy and motivation to learn. They made teaching a lot less intimidating as they happily welcomed us every day and became our friends outside of the classroom too.

Adventure days were always so much fun. Culture day was one of my favorite adventure days because we got to go to Stone Town and get an in-depth tour and were taught all about the history of the beautiful and culturally rich city. We then ate a great authentic meal on a small island where we also had lots of time to hang out and swim.

The other amazing adventure days included swimming with dolphins which was absolutely incredible. We jumped off our boats to see pods of over twenty dolphins swimming below us. Some would come up and surface for air just a few feet away. It was an amazing experience and a highlight of my life seeing so many dolphins in their natural habitat.

Leaving the village of Kairo to head to the mainland was so difficult. Kairo became our home and the locals became our friends. It did not feel like we were leaving a place that we were visiting, it felt like we were leaving home because we had become a part of the community there.

After spending a night in Dar Es Salaam, we headed to our campsite near Nyerere National Park. We went on a riverboat cruise to see some native animals that lived in and around the river (like hippos!!) and then spent the night hanging around the campfire. The next day we went off on our safari through the national park where we got to see so many amazing animals in their natural homes. Our guides on the safari were so helpful and taught us all about the land and the animals there. This was such a cool experience and was so much fun.

There's not enough words to describe how amazing the entire trip was. Our lead guides, Sophie and Boi, did a wonderful job educating us about everything everywhere throughout the trip and made sure we were healthy and having a great time. Our entire group of volunteers was amazing, and everyone got along and grew close so quickly. There was never a time where there wasn't a person to talk to or hangout with. I built relationships with other volunteers and even locals that I hope last forever. I am so happy I went on this trip because it opened up my mind and heart to new people and cultures. This trip taught me so much about myself and has changed my life and inspired me to continue to travel with purpose and become a lifelong global citizen.

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