connected me with RVF

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Previous to RVF, I found work as an English Language Assistant in France through Greenheart. My preference for satisfaction rating with them as well as with RVF is that the program follows through with the support they say they will. They deliver.
I invested in the highest package deal with RVF and I am getting all that is promised: ad libidum email support, transparent visa process, apostille translation and help with finding housing (not securing it). If you like your hand held, I recomend RVF.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
I wish there was a section to provide neutral feedback that is not RVF's fault nor something that makes them culpable of the cons. I have read one scathing review of RVF previous to learning I would be offered the opportunity to write a review and I feel adding an additional space to share the things RVF does not have control over that are universal challenges for all foreigners seeking to live and work in Spain would face.

I don't want RVF to be perceived as anything less than transparent for a con that is not within their realm of control.

Also, sad that Carlos left and that that was not acknowledged, at least to my knowing. I hope he is okay. He was kind when interviewing me and it gave me heart to know that I would be a fit for the educational standard of those at whose school I would be at. I do not know how Spanish students perceive educators nor how their families do either and Carlos seemed to keep me rest assured that they would appreciate the education I have to offer them.

I hope he is okay.

Thank you for allowing me the option to provide feedback and I wish you the best of luck in your next round of recruitment and marketing :)