Give Volunteers Lao Expedition

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was the absolute most wonderful and impactful experience of my life. Give does such an amazing job of bringing us out of our comfort zone in effort to greater understand lives/culture on the other side of our extraordinary planet. I do not think I would be the same person that I am today if it weren’t for the Give volunteers organization. I have such a greater understanding of how spectacular it is to truly immerse yourself within a culture. To see with your very eyes and learn and experience it with them.
I will remember the community of Sop Chem in Laos forever, everything that I learned there I still carry with me to this day. Our guides Brandon and Jess were absolutely spectacular as well, such genuine and sincere people. They poured so much love and energy into our group, it was such a privilege to be in their presence.
I would most definitely recommend this tour to someone who is considering it, they will not regret it. They’ll be changed forever!

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