Wonderful Program

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I was not sure what to expect as I had never participated in a travel abroad program. Also, I had never even been to Italy before. Orientation was both stressful and awesome as we got to learn about how the camp would be run by being campers ourselves. I actually felt like a little kid during orientation and saw how fun it must be from their presepective. It was a bit stressful as we had to learn a million songs and games but it all was useful when camps started. We were provided books so that we would have references to use and prepare lesson plans as well as afternoon activities for the camp day. I got to meet and work with so many people from different places of the world and also got to live and experience Italian culture first hand. My host families were incredible and we got to stay in places that most people wouldn't even know existed. And don't even get me started on the food! Many of my fellow tutors taught me more and inspired me. It was amazing to be a part of such great teams. I was always just a message away from Sophia or orientation leaders if I needed support with anything. The only tough time I had was when I was working with tutors who did not seem to want to be there and I had to be more energetic. I definitely challenged myself this summer and feel accomplished. This program is a great way to travel throughout Italy and not just be a tourist but more involved. It is also a wonderful way to meet people who are likeminded and enjoy teaching and traveling. When I felt overwhelmed I requested a hold to travel through Italy as well. Overall a wonderful program with a dedicated staff and I hope to participate next summer if given the opportunity. This summer was truly an amazing one and I am so glad I got to be a part of EDUCO.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed
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