Challenging and Invigorating!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 3

In every aspect and level of the program I learned something. From the most basic demonstration to doing things for the first time myself, there was always support and encouragement. The excursions built off the classes in a purposeful way to create a complexly intertwined learning experience. I got to go so many places and was met with welcoming and great food at each place. The faculty was extremely kind and made me and the other students feel like family and having a smaller group of students was a great benefit for making friends.

The speed of the program is purposefully planned so that you can feel integrated right away and have all your questions answered when you first get there. We spent a week in a hotel away from the big city getting the first few steps in relationship building, planning for the semester, and taught about the health concerns, what to do in emergencies, and more. Moving into our first homestay seemed hard, but it was those things (the feel-like-home things) that got a lot easier during the program, as the academics and time spent away from school got harder. I enjoyed both my homestays and felt extremely welcomed by each Ecuadorian I met. The excursions were flawless and some of my favorite learning experiences. I chose to do my ISP away from everyone else which was very hard after making such great friends with everyone. I knew I could always turn to Faba, Sofia, or any of the SIT mental health resources at any moment.

Fabian and Sofia, the program directors, taught us along the way and were there to make sure we had everything we needed. They helped in every transition, from the introduction week to the first and second homestays, and each of the excursions. I felt as prepared as I needed to be for each experience. I loved my time there and am so grateful for everyone who made it perfect.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed