I could not recommend VACorps enough!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I have had an amazing time in Cape Town and feel incredibly lucky to have had this experience. I would recommend VACorps to anyone looking to travel, meet new people and gain a pre-professional experience abroad. I learned so much through my internship, had a very immersive experience, gained skills that will help me in my future career, and would not have been connected to my site had it not been for VACorps. They were very responsive to the type of internship placement I was looking for and communicative throughout the process of getting placed. Through the Friday activities, culture night, and living among primarily other interns, I was able to easily connect with other friendly, adventurous, and like-minded people from all over the world and have made connections with people who I will stay in touch with long after I leave Cape Town. All VACorps staff members were incredibly welcoming, friendly, and always willing to give recommendations and connect us with companies to do various sightseeing and weekend activities which allowed me to get the most out of my time here. I was able to see and do so many things, connect with amazing people, learn about a new culture, and truly have the adventure that I was hoping for.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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