My Experience in Torino

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I studied abroad in Torino for a summer session, and overall I had a great experience. First, the community you build while you are there is amazing. For most of the students there, myself included, it was our first time going abroad, and because of this we were experiencing all these new things together. Eventually, we started to trust each other and rely on each other, and this community was something that I appreciated greatly. Second, the resident director, as well as my professors, were very helpful. The resident director was always available and willing to help with anything, and my professors encouraged me to learn as much as possible. Lastly, Torino is in a great location, as it is close to Milan, Lake Como, and the French Riviera. Overall, I had a great experience in Torino and would highly recommend it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed