Best experience I have ever had

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent 2 months in Sri Lanka in the Women Empowerment Program. It was an amazing experience. I really recommend this program, it is amazing how you can get close to these women and how much you learn about their muslim comunity and culture. During the weekdays, apart from working in the program, during your free time there are many activities to do: surfing, going to the beach, going to local shops, going to the swimming pool, doing some sports at the house... and during the evenings we used to get a beer in the beach restaurants, stayed at home watching films...
And also, in the weekends you have the opportunity to visit Sri Lanka, either with trips organized by the house or on your own.
I really recommend this experience, and Volunteering Solutions were available in case I had any trouble, but luckly I didnt have many.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed