Environmental Sustainability Bali Ubud

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I was really supported by the Staff at Green Lion they go to great lengths to look out for their volunteers. They have specifically chosen drivers who are fair with their prices and are extremely trustworthy. I really enjoyed the cultural immersive aspect, I highly recommend doing the orientation week it helped me a great deal in my volunteering, and just in everyday. I recommend learning a bit of Bahasa language, there is a language barrier, the people will try their best to speak English and they do speak alot of english, but I think it's nice to try to speak their language. The people are so lovely they will help you out with the language, I practised with my driver and the reaction from my students when I spoke was well worth it. I was very sad to leave, it's hard not to form a connection with the local people, but embrace the experience and life in the village. Although you will have everything you need, don't expect the comforts of home, use it as a learning experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed