Straight Outta Guangzhou

Benefits: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 3
Safety: 5

It's daunting prospect, I remember. Now even more so with the drastic global changes that happened over the last few years. The distance and paperwork seem endless, especially for those who have never left the familiarity of the E.U.

However, you're at no point left in the dark. Andrew is himself something of an old-hand when it comes to China.
When you arrive, you'll meet and greet cohorts spread around the country from the same program, as well as veterans from previous years. It is very easy to travel and adventure around the country in your spare time thanks to China's speedy infrastructure and having this existing social network makes it twice as practical.

If you're doing it for a year, great. If you're doing it for longer, even better.

Put in the effort to get through the application processes, you will not regret it.

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