Phil's Review of TLG

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

Volunteering to teach in the Republic of Georgia is one of the most important life decisions I have ever made. It is a unique situation where you learn about yourself by learning about a new culture, whilst in it, being completely submerged.

As a teacher I learned that making subject material relevant, along with classroom management, is the key to success. My experiences in the Georgian classroom have even prompted me to earn my K-12 music education certification now that I am back home.

Growing interpersonal skills and emotional awareness were also part of the inner growth during my time with TLG. To live with a host family and to work with colleagues, who have different ideas (or similar for that matter), can be difficult. But it was most rewarding when I was able to see past these differences and live and work with my colleagues and host family.

And of course, the ability to travel to a unique, and in many ways mystical, land is self explanatory. I enjoyed a real sense of adventure.

And let's not forget the underlying motive of trying to make a positive difference in the world. If you desire to, you can in Georgia, though it is not easy. I left Georgia feeling, and knowing, that my time spent volunteering was not a waste. I had made lasting impressions with my school and host family.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would