Best Teaching Program in South Korea

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I've worked with both EPIK and the private school system in Korea and, I have to say, EPIK wins hands down.

When you arrive in Korea for a private school, you're alone in a foreign country and probably starting teaching a day after you land. But EPIK has an orientation program that'll get you situated and allow you to meet hundreds of other teachers in your areas - a ready-made friendship and support group.

Once you're actually at your school, unfortunately this is the only thing you can't control - and people do have mixed experiences. But I think - compared to other people I know in Korea - I have had a 'bad' school this year and even so, I can't complain... Although I have to deal with a lot of school politics (and a rather rude Principle) - hence the bad school - EPIK is still a great job. The benefits, pay and hours you work are second to none, along with the holiday allowances of 2 weeks in summer and 2 weeks in winter. Right now, I'm writing this in October and I haven't worked a full quota of classes (that's 22 x 40 minutes a week) since June, thanks to school trips or competitions or various other events.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would