Learn Mandarin and make friends in an iconic landscape

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Value: 5

Omeida's courses are totally flexible. You can start any Monday and spend anything from a week to ten years at the school, choose between a standard course (only morning or afternoon classes) and an intensive one (both), and pick up your Mandarin journey at exactly your level, even if that means a class of one. My teacher was attuned to my needs, professional and fun, following her lesson plan or indulging me in free conversation as the mood dictated. I only experienced one teacher, but swapped stories with fellow students and never heard anything but praise for the other half-dozen Mandarin teachers.

Because they operate an English academy as well, Omeida staff can usually match you a language partner, whom you will meet after class, as frequently and for as long as suits you both. This is an opportunity not only to learn more Mandarin for free, but also to befriend someone you'd never have crossed paths with in the normal course of your life, and learn about their story, hopes and dreams. Most likely your language partner will introduce you to other English-language students, and you'll soon be part of a bigger social group, with opportunities for cultural exchange every evening (if you have time -- students are expected to do their homework.)

Omeida provide accommodation, lunch, weekly cultural events (learn májiàng, Chinese painting) and weekend outings to local villages and scenic spots. There is a lounge-cafe where students mingle before and after class, also you can buy the best coffee in Yangshuo. In addition the staff support students in many ways, helping with transport and bureaucracy, or just making conversation in whichever language you feel like in the moment. From the instant you arrive you're part of the family. Many of the foreigners studying at Omeida were multiple return customers; I'll be one myself.

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