Selva Bananito Lodge Rainforest Preservation

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 3

The 10 weeks were an exciting and great time. Although there is no internet (almost 😊, at the river with luck you might have up to 2 bars with Kolbi) I enjoyed my stay very much. It was nice to work together with the local team. Even though my Spanish was not very good, we understood each other somehow. With 4 volunteers it was a great time, especially since we became very good friends. We made two trips during our stay to Cahuita using our free days. But staying alone in the lodge is also an incredible experience. There´s a lot of time for inner reflection and the rainforest with it`s never dying sound is a great environment. Like me you will make the experience to see a lot of animals. Sometimes it´s hard to take a photo, but your mind will always remember what you saw. It´s an incredible nature. You will become familiar with a lot of animals even in your room. Geckos, Spiders, Frogs, Snakes and Scorpions are always around and of course many birds, totally different in color and behavior. Furthermore, with a little luck you`ll see, Night Monkeys (Kinkajous), Agutis, Racoons, Howler Monkeys, tbc….
The work at the lodge is not too hard, but you should be fit. Some works were really challenging for me and the other. I would recommend bringing working gloves and be aware that you must work in rain boots. They have many sizes at the lodge, but if you have big or very small feet you should bring your own. A flashlight is a must. There are no lights in the lodge and to avoid snake attacks in the night (at 6 p.m. it`s dark) you need to have one.
The food is pretty good. Although you will have rice and beans almost three times a day it is added with other food like noodles, eggs, cheese, salad, other vegetables and more. Everything is very tasty and you will like it.
Thank you to the team, you were great. I´ll remember this time as one of the best in my life.

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