Best Work Experience Decision I've Made

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I cannot recommend this experience more! I studied abroad in Madrid during univestiy and was dying to find a way back. I found a few internship programs and felt like it was my answer! After a LOT of research on the various programs, The Intern Group looked like the best....I was truly right on that decision! The entire team has been so supportive and caring both before and after arrival. If I have any question or doubt, they are quick to answer and assist. I have not once felt like I didn't receive superior support. The program itself offers a lot of activities so you never feel alone! I may be lucky, but the interns in my program have been phenomenal and we truly have formed a family here. We actively hang out with one another outside of the programmed events as well. There have been about 8-16 people here throughout my time in the program. I was worried about making friends but to my surprise, I have never been more social!

My apartment is great! I have a large room and nice kitchen and bathroom. I have seen quite a few other apartments and they vary a lot (rooms can be small or big, kitchens are very different, some cleaner/newer than others). Most are in ideal locations. I do wish they would be a bit better about cleaning services and you do need to clean your own room. Most apartments are mixed-gender and shared with people outside of the program. I haven't had any negative experience with roommates though! People are super friendly!

In terms of work experience, I have grown so much both personally and professionally through this program. I absolutely love my company here and the work that I do! I clearly expressed in my application my goals for work experience and they delivered! Working in an international environment has allowed me to learn so much more than I ever would back in the US. I work with people from so many different backgrounds, have learned how to communicate and work with people very different than myself, how to adapt to a completely new work environment with new social and cultural norms, and have truly narrowed what I want to do career wise. As far as an internship, this experience has been much more enriching than the internships I have had in the past.

Yes, you do have to pay for an unpaid internship but given the events, housing, and support they provide in securing an internship, it is well worth the money! I couldn't recommend it more!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed