Excellent centre medical program

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I joined the medical program for a week in September, and it was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.

While I was there, there were so many organised activities for me to do. First, I was taken round the old centre, being taught about the history and culture of the people. The team member was very knowledgeable about the discrepancy in healthcare and education, paying great attention to prominent buildings, symbolism and infrastructure conditions. Visiting the nursery brought back memories of being in a very similar one, and I was also shown an excellent view from the rooftop of the old city. I also spent time receiving teaching with the other Palestinian medical students, and getting a tour of the hospitals (private, public and settlement hospitals). All the hospital staff explained their role and how things were run inside. I was even invited to see the new centre for imaging which had an MRI scan, CT and X-ray. Each day, I was taught about the politics of Palestine and more about the conflict which was upsetting, but also really helpful in my understanding.

I had several Arabic lessons which were very helpful, although intense. I continued to study Arabic when I got back to the UK. The rest of the staff were lovely and helpful, giving me advice on the culture and tips for learning the language. I was shown around the streets and shops where everyone said 'hello'. The centre is a small, close-knit community, and I enjoyed getting to know everyone, sharing breakfast in the mornings and having spontaneous conversations with everyone throughout the day. At the end of our stay, a group of us even explored the rest of Palestine including Bethlehem, Nablus and Jerusalem.

One of my favourite parts was living with my host family. I could not have been placed in a better family, who was not only a short walk to the Excellent Centre, they were the most hospitable, welcoming family I have met. I spent each evening laughing and dancing with the kids, eating with my host family, and joining in with domestic activities such as shredding leaves off a branch, and storing home-made jam. I found this hospitality and warmth was common with all Palestinian people I met. I felt safe and well cared for throughout the whole of my stay. One of my favourite memories was being invited to a celebration party and really enjoyed the dancing, singing and colour, as well as being taught how to use oil pastels.

I am definitely coming back to Palestine to get to know people in Hebron better. I would also like to improve my Arabic at the Excellence Centre for a longer time period, as well as living with a host family again. I would absolutely recommend that people go out there with an open, non-judgemental mind, and listen to the stories and history, getting to know the people and culture. Thank you to the staff at the Excellent Centre for making this possible. God bless you all!

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Yes, I would
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