I'm looking forward to the TEIK Social/Networking Event....:)

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Hey guy, I thought I'd send you a quick note letting you know everything is going great for me. That first day was quite the whirlwind, but things after the first week have gotten much better now that I know more about what to do and expect. I absolutely love the kids. For the most part! Yeah the bigger classes and the older ones can be a little bit of a challenge to keep their attention, but still, I couldn't have imagined myself having a better time overall. They've been getting my apartment room ready for me this week, and tomorrow I move out of the hotel and into my apartment, so I'm looking forward to that. Today was a really great end of the week, too, as the kids turned in all their stamps (for excellent work, etc.) for school "money," where they could purchase supplies like pencils, pens, erasers, fun play mats, etc. I'm not sure if they were excited more for the chance to get free stuff or if this took the place of their normal classes...! The other teachers here are also just a joy to work with...Korean and English speaking. There's another guy from the states who's just a riot and another lady who is from New Zealand who is just as nice as anyone can be. All the Korean teachers are just fabulous too. Well, anyway, I don't mean to keep rambling, but I'm just so psyched to be here, So thanks again for making it all happen.

Shane S.

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