An incredibly rewarding experience.

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Teaching in Korea has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone considering a career in education or to peeps who want to go out to see the world and get paid for it. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with open arms by the local community and given every opportunity to succeed by my school.

One of the most impressive things about teaching in Korea to me is the level of support that I received from my school management and my head teacher. I was provided with comprehensive training and ongoing guidance throughout my time in the classroom. This made me feel confident in my abilities and I was able to focus on delivering the best possible education to my students… of course, there was a steep learning curve, but after 3-4 months it became a cakewalk.

Overall, I can't recommend teaching in Korea highly enough. It's an amazing opportunity that allowed me to grow both personally and professionally while making a positive impact on the lives of others. If you're looking for a new adventure and a chance to experience one of the most fascinating cultures in the world, teaching in Korea is definitely worth considering.

I’m looking forward to the TEIK event next weekend! See you there Bradley!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed