AMAZING Experience!!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

My time at the Excellence Center has been an experience I will never forget. From beginning to end, the people of Palestine have been the most genuine and hospitable. My host family, students, volunteers, even the local merchants welcomed me with open arms into their culture and daily life. For the short time that I was here, I participated in English Club, took Arabic class, volunteered at refugee camp Fawwar, and got to explore the city of Hebron. English club was my favorite activity I participated in. Not only did I get to witness ten- to sixteen-year-old children become more confident in their English-speaking abilities, but I got to build authentic connections with the students. The Excellence Center expresses that it “brings people together,” and that is exactly what happened this week. I am leaving with a lifetime of friendships and memories. Thank you to everyone who made this week what it was. The Excellence Center is a magical place, and I will be back inshallah!!

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