Excellent recruitment agency

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Overall I have had a very positive experience working with Korvia. They were extremely helpful from the start as well as after I arrived in Korea. They were very quick to reply to all of my emails, but also very patient with me when I experienced delays with getting my documents together. They knew exactly which documents I needed as well as how to get a hold of them. This was very helpful for me since I have never done anything like this before. Even after I arrived in Korea, they would check up on me to make sure I was settling in okay. I feel very safe knowing that I can count on them too if ever I need help with anything. Thanks Korvia!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
Thank you so much Korvia for helping me get abroad. I have never done anything like this before so I experienced a lot of delays with getting and gathering some of my documents. Your staff was extremely helpful and patient with me the entire process, but still motivated me to keep going which was exactly what I needed since all of this was new to me and I was doing it by myself. Although I am travelling by myself for the first time, I feel safe knowing that I can count on the Korvia staff.

A very special thanks to Samantha, Emma and Steven! You guys helped me out a lot. I am extremely grateful to you and to the rest of the Korvia team.